bourgeon journal
When your worlds collide, January 14, 2019
On Thursday, July 26th I had a meeting with the owners of the Rockaway Beach Surf Club to talk about some upcoming weddings that they were going to be hosting in their space. The NY Women’s Surf Film Festival was starting at RBSC the next day and one of the owners, an artist, decided right then and there that he wanted to do an install in the space. Wait, what?
Crate & barrel, January 04, 2019
On October 7th we pulled up to the loading dock on Mercer Street at 5:30AM. NYC is dark and quiet at this time on a Sunday morning, except for the last minute staggering partiers making their way home. Have you ever tried to find a decent cup of coffee at 5:30AM on a Sunday in Soho? Impossible. But here we were, dazed and confused after having two weddings the day before, ready to begin our load in at the Crate and Barrel in Soho.